Trail Adoption Program

Invest in the future of the Lysterfield trails whilst also helping to grow your business presence

The Trail Adoption Program (TAP) represents an opportunity for businesses that benefit from the Lysterfield Mountain Bike trails or any business looking to elevate their social conscious profile to support and promote a grass roots program, by financially supporting the maintenance works on individual trails, and also by providing keen staff to volunteer and help out on designated TAP partner trail build days. TAP partners will be able to promote their brand to a defined user group of mountain bike single track riders, via the custom designed TAP signs which will be erected throughout the park for a fixed period of time.
To ensure complete transparency TAP funds will be held in a LDTR bank account separate to other funds.
A full report will be completed annually and can be supplied to TAP partners on request.
Why invest in a trail?
Lysterfield Park has a rich heritage in the sport of mountain biking within Australia. Being the host of the 2006 Commonwealth Games, Lysterfield Park has flourished and become overwhelmingly popular with thousands of mountain bike focused visitors entering and riding the park every year. Year on year, the park's mountain bike visitors has grown.​
TAP funds will predominantly be used by LDTR to engage in professional trail builders to undertake maintenance works in the park, further enhancing the rider experience and thus reducing the heavy load on our volunteer crew.
What is the value for your business?
Sponsorship sign at a prominent location near the start of the sponsored trail, as per the TAP sign template below.
[Signs will be produced by Parks Victoria and displayed for the fixed term sponsored. – One sponsor per trail.]
Discounted annual pricing for committing to a two or three year agreement.
Rolling banner advertisement option on the Lysterfield MTB website, as presented above.
Your logo and hyperlink at Lysterfield MTB website on the TAP Partner section on the footer every page.
An individual Facebook & Instagram post on the LDTR page 4 times a year of being a TAP partner[Current Fb following 9.5K and IG 5.7K)
Branding profile on the Parks Victoria website under the Lysterfield Park page, during the defined sponsorship period
The opportunity to send your staff as volunteers to designated annual TAP Partner trail maintenance days.
Your logo and hyperlink at the footer of every club email sent out (hundreds on the list).

Trail Signage Example
One sign per trail by approval of Parks Victoria.
General principal is that signs should not be placed within 20m of the start or finish of a trail.
Sign measures 180 x 270mm, 1000mm above ground on red gum sleeper
Sponsor logo to be 170mm x 150mm or less.

Lysterfield Park Usage Data
Australia Region:

Source: Trailforks October 2021
Live Victoria Region Data:
Victoria Region:

Source: Trailforks October 2021
Trails Available to Sponsor
There are 16 trails available for TAP Sponsors to get on board and support.
Details on each trails and the level of support available for each trail are available below. Yearly pricing and other pricing options are available upon request for businesses interested.

Yearly pricing and other pricing options are available upon request for businesses interested.