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LDTR 2018-2019 AGM Summary

Wow! What a big year that has past for LDTR and what a massive year planned ahead.

We had a great 22 attendees at last night's AGM.

Our committee for the 2019-2020 year consists of 26 members! That's the highest number of committee members LDTR has ever had.

LDTR is a "small" club that is having a big impact on the community, which is very active in many areas of the sport and now requires a huge and diverse committee.

We'd like to say a massive thank you to all of our committee who have helped out in the past year. There's been quite a few key decision making moments and every bit of input and brainstorming to help make the LDTR community and the trails at Lysty be the best they could be ,would not have been possible without all of our committee from 2018-2019.

Here are some key dot points covered in our AGM presentation last night for those who were unable to attend:

🚵‍♂️ ADVOCATING 🚵‍♂️

🚲 Membership growth – Over 438 financial members, 9.5% Increase!

🚲 84% Male – 15% Female (12% Last Year)

🚲 137 Different postcodes - Our community is spread out!

🚲 Chainsaws – Training + Purchase for key members in 2019.

🚲 Train Builder Training – Derby 2019/20? Potential opportunity to ensure our trail maintenance excels for 2020.

🚲 Community Work Station – Installed in January 2019 and funded by LDTR.

🚲 One Way Trails Spring 2019:

Over 80% of LDTR members agreed this change would make the network safer overall.

92% of members wanted to see more challenging features once they went single directional.

60% of members have either had an accident or a near miss with an oncoming rider.

Aim is to improve the user experience and rider safety

🚲 Stage two trail expansion, MP's, Economic, Social impact assessment in the works.


Sep 2018 – July 2019

🚲Our four new head trail builders did a significant amount of work for this year. Thank you to Craig, Cale, Bill and Praveen for managing these. Thank you to all the volunteers who came along to the builds through the sun and the rain! You're amazing!

🚲 908.5 Total Volunteer Hours

🚲 54 Individual Volunteers

🚲 14 New Volunteers

🚲 12 Official Build Days


Since August last year:

🚲 Over 600 like growth on Facebook.

🚲 Over 1000+ growth followers on Instagram.

🚲 Nate who has been managing this for the past 5 years will be "passing on the torch" to some new committee members.


More rides to come in the next year with the club looking at growing the following:

🚲 Friday Fun and Lazy Loops – FFLL Fri & Sat

🚲 Social Rides – More at Lysty

🚲 Family Social Rides – Regular

🚲 Skills Clinics

🚲 Junior Rides – Sat Crits

🚲 VES/Golden Goat


🚲 10 rides run in the last 11 months, attendance ranging in numbers between 15-30 per ride

🚲 9 ride leaders committed to hosting the rides

🚲 All skills and fitness levels catered for, from beginner to intermediate

🚲 Participants meet up regularly outside of the LDTR group ride, after first meeting at LDTR women’s ride

🚲 2019 has been the year of the beginner, with over 15 beginners turning up on the coldest ride of the year

🚲 This year we had 2 ride leaders achieve their First Aid certificate, 1 ride leader achieve PMBI, 1 ride leader achieve MTBA level 0.

🚵‍♂️Goals for Women's Social Rides 2019-2020🚵‍♂️

🚲 To expand the rides out to different areas, encouraging the women to join in with social rides hosted by LDTR

🚲 To have all ride leaders First Aid certified

MTBA level 0, for a number ride leaders

🚲 Ride leaders to have Jerseys, to clearly indicate to new riders who to look for help or assistance

🚲 To continue the monthly rides with all skills and fitness levels catered for, from beginner to intermediate

🚲 Host a maintenance and repairs event

🚲 Host a women’s only shuttle at Red Hill

🚲 To continue to encourage women riding MTB with confidence and to grown the participation within the sport

🚲 The club will be holding women's only race early November, the race will focus on safe, encouraging environment.


🚲 Management Plan Review – A chance to address who the current users of the park are, and the associated costs.

🚲 Informally Built Trails – May hinder our work to expand the trail network due to all cases having to be reported to Aboriginal Victoria.

🚲 Hug Trail – Plan to have a professional builder come in to fix up drainage.

🚲 One Way Trails – To Launch September 1st, all signs in by November.

🚲 Upgrades to existing trails – After they go one way, technical trail features etc.

🚵‍♂️LDTR President's Plans🚵‍♂️

🚲 More riding in the Lysterfield District.

🚲 Engaging the LDTR Members better.

🚲 Sub Committees.

🚲 Sub Committees with great decision making powers.

🚲 Advocating for more trails.

🚲 Annual Club riding Getaway.




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