SAVE THE DATE - Join the Lysty Chicks as they get together with the girls from Red Hill Riders and Yarra Ranges Mountain Bike Club to explore awesome MTB parks.

Lysty Program:
1. 8am Intermediate Skills Session
2. 9am Beginner Skills Session
3. 10.30am Group Ride Adventure
ride out with friends and complete as many tasks* as possible *Photos! or it didn't happen
4. 1pm Lunch, meet up at Montague cafe @ the LDTR tent
After Lunch
Maintenance Time:
Can you change a tyre, need some advise about your suspension set up? Want to know how to bleed your brakes? Let the team show you how to do it!
Sign up registration coming soon. Keep an eye on our socials for details!
Click here to join the Lysty Chicks Private Facebook Group
Check out Yarra Ranges Mountain Bike Club here
Check out Red Hill Riders here