A massive thank you to the 7 volunteers and 2 Parks Victoria rangers for their efforts in maintaining and improving the Skills Park features yesterday.

Photo Album: CLICK HERE
We had 49 volunteer hours contributed to the park and moved well over 15 cubic metres of material.
Our goal for this build was to maintain the existing features to keep them at the specifications they were initially planned to be at. With use, these features have eroded on the ramps and landings, causing ruts and also leaving the heights and angles to be different to the plans.
We primarily focused our efforts on the Blue and Black trail lines, reshaping a large majority of the ramps and landings and increasing the length of some berms.

A BIG thank you to Angus from AR Batty Contractors for his efforts in helping us out by providing his machinery and time. This was a huge help and his skills were very much appreciated.​


A huge thank you to Renae and Andy from Parks Vic who helped out on the tools and also by providing their skid steer to help move material quickly.


​Thanks to those who organised this build and who prepped the plans and back end paperwork; Craig, Praveen, Cale and Bill - you guys are awesome!
Please keep in mind this area is closed off until tomorrow morning and is clearly signed. Anyone riding this section of the park is taking away from the durability of the efforts from the hard working crew.