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Summary: Trail Build October

An amazing effort by our volunteer trail builders. 11 volunteers worked on Farm tail and Lower Buckle switch-back climb from 8:30am to 1:30pm, contributing over 55 hours (excluding admin work).

Here's what we did.....

-> Drainage was completed along Farm trail and Switch-back climb of Lower Buckle. Some of these existing drains were severely blocked up and needing quite a lot of attention.

-> Additional drainage paths were created to keep the trails fully drained during all weather conditions.

-> Maintenance of existing trail features were carried out to improve the ride conditions. -> Few reverse grade drains were created to drain the water away from the trails.

-> Existing berms were maintained, and eroded areas and ruts were filled and reshaped with Salamander road base.

Our next trail build going to on mid-November and we will post the details of the build soon.

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