A MASSIVE THANK YOU to the 13 volunteers who contributed 104 volunteer hours to the park yesterday.
Phots can be found here: CLICK ME
Works were carried on the bottom section of Aneurysm.

Eroded areas of the trail and ruts were filled and re-shaped with road base to ensure the sustainability of the water flow of the section of trail.
Existing drainage was cleared, and new drainage paths were created to keep the trail dry over the coming winter.

Soft spots of existing berms were removed and rebuilt with road base.
Existing wooden structures were replaced with large rock boulders and road base was used to create the ride lines and landings.
In certain areas B-Line options were created.

Our next trail build is going to be on Sunday 1st of June, and we are aiming to work on Aneurysm again to add some final touches.
We hope to see you there and we hope you enjoy all the maintenance we are contributing to this much loved trail.

Photos thanks to Praveen.