A massive thank you to the 14 volunteers who contributed 84 hours of volunteer time to Aneurysm.

Full photo album can be found here thanks to Praveen: CLICK HERE
Works were carried out on the top section of the Aneurysm and eroded areas of the trail, with ruts filled and re-shaped using salamander road base.
Existing drainage was cleared and new drainage paths were created to keep the trail dry over the coming winter.

Existing berms were reshaped to create faster and smoother ride lines. Soft spots of existing berms were removed and rebuilt with Salamander road base.
Sections of exposed rocks and tree roots which were highly eroded and unsustainable to water flow on berms were covered with Salamander road base.

A few landings at the upper section of the trail were repaired to smooth the landing transition. Existing jumps and gap jumps were reshaped to re-establish the correct lip shapes and original height.
Existing braking ruts were filled with Salamander road base.

Our next trail build going to be on Sunday 5th off May, and we are aiming to work on the bottom section of the Aneurysm.
Please save the date!