Please be aware that there will be works starting next week to repair and upgrade several of Lysterfield Park and Churchill National Park’s shared user trail/management vehicle tracks and car parks which were damaged by the 2016 storms.
This will involve contractor works to improve drainage, regrade and resurface trails, dredging the boat ramp and re-edging sections of damaged car parks.
Left unchecked the damaged trails will continue to deteriorate and further erode – Snipe Track and the Valley View Track climb to Trig Point are examples of this where we’ve seen severe erosion since 2016.
These works/upgrades will cater for the ever-increasing number of visitors to Lysterfield Park, and improve their experiences whilst here.
Works are expected to be completed by Christmas.
Signage will be in place to direct walkers, runners and cyclists around any works and there may be some minor diversions on the trails from Monday – Friday. There are no works planned for the single track mountain bike network or single track walking/running network but riders should take caution and obey any Worker signage at crossings e.g. Cloverdale Break, Valley View Track etc.
Please contact the team at Parks Victoria if you have any queries around this.