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LDTR Women's Social Ride October 2018- Summary and Pics

It was a perfect day of riding around the Lysty mountain bike trails for the 26 or more ladies on our Women's Social Ride yesterday.

Plenty of laughs, berms, chats, jumps and "yeww!'s" involved.

While the intermediate group set off for a loop around the park, the less advanced group rode to the end of Middle trail before fire trailing it back.

A couple of mechanicals kept the groups on their toes, but it was nothing that a quick chat couldn't fix along with some cupcakes.

Thanks to all the Women who came along and for creating such a social and inclusive environment for everyone.

A big thanks to all the lead lady riders who led the groups, organised the registration and sign up sheet, for preparing the delicious cupcakes and coffee/tea and for ensuring the day ran smoothly.

Our last Women's Social Ride for 2018 will be the last one for this year - Sunday 25th November 2018 with rego opening for this on the 1st of November:

We hope to see you there!

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