Have you seen the fresh, shiny, new safety warning signage at Lysty lately?
After communication with the club, Parks Vic have installed some fresh new signage to a few of the trails in the park. This includes Follow Me & the State Mountain Bike Course so far.
Although our trails aren't the most "extreme" and "gnarly as" trails in the world; this signage is an incredibly positive step forward for the park.
Parks Victoria have shown the initiative and contribution to putting resources in to this, as well as consulting the club on designs and locations.

The signage brings greater awareness to rider's of the risks they're taking and highlights to the "first time weekend rider" to think twice before tackling every trail they see.
LDTR and Parks Victoria have plans for many other projects in the park this year and are looking forward to making the sport of mountain biking at Lysterfield Park the best that it can be.