Wow. A 100% volunteer operated race with well over 320 competitors. Over 23 LDTR volunteers + many more volunteers from the scouts. 7 crazily generous sponsors. 6 hours of racing on some very slippery trails and ONE MASSIVE THANK YOU to everyone who helped make the Golden Goat Challenge a successful day.

Even with the cold winds and the heavy rains towards the end of the day we still had a huge turn out stay right until the end.

This race always takes months for the club committee to plan and organise, so its amazing to see it actually all come together. There was well over 100 hours of volunteer time spent maintaining the trails before the Race in preparation for the weather today - thanks to the team who helped prior to the race.

We'd also love to thank Parks Victoria for representing their role in the mountain bike community, especially Renae for also helping create the awesome podiums!
Thanks to Tim for being a great race organiser and MC, all the course mashals, Ben for taking on all the challenges that came in the morning and also anyone else who helped in any way.
If you loved today, please keep up to date with all the other events the club run on the website.
Go Active Outdoors
Krush OZ
Bike Corp
Ivanhoe Cycles
Specialized Australia
Life of Bikes
Cheers, LDTR. @ Lysterfield Mtb Park
More pictures and videos to be uploaded in the next couple of week son facebook and instagram.
Photos on here by Marco Vos except for Facebook excerpts.