Trail Build/Maintenance Day
DATE & TIME: 11am, Saturday 12th May 2018 (THIS SATURDAY)
REGISTRATION: Sign in on the day.
MEETING: Hallam Nth Rd Car Park WORKS: There are a few jobs left over from last Saturday that require attention before the Golden Goat. Pretty much just clearing drains. I’m planning to hit the shovel again on Saturday the 12th of May (this Saturday) meeting at the CGT car park on Hallam North Rd around 11 am. Another few sets of hands would be much appreciated. I will gab a few tools from the club supplies - but if you have a rake hoe and / or shovel you can bring that would be great. BRING: Water, food, shovel (if you prefer your own shovel), good shoes (preferably steel capped) and appropriate clothing for weather. There'll be a bit of walking. Please let us know if you're attending by replying on this forum thread (so we can organise tools and food etc). If you have any questions, please ask away. BYO food if you have any special food requirements. Builds usually run for 4-6 hours. If you need to leave early or are arriving later in the day, please message me on this forum or contact us via our contact form at Hope to see you there. Cheers.