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LDTR Women's Social Ride - April 2018 Pics & Summary

Over 20 Women participated in our Women's Social Ride today. With both beginner and intermediate groups riding, it was great to see them both join up multiple times throughout the ride.

​The conversations of enthusiasm, guidance, casual chats and willingness to help each other out before and during the ride was awesome to see.

Big kudos to Zoe and Jen and the other Women who either lead groups or sweeped for each group.

Both groups did a lap of the park and even rode the newest trail updates, before heading back to enjoy a cup of coffee and Zoe's world famous cup cakes.

From seeing the dismal state and lack of Women focused rides our club had a few years ago... to now where there are familiar faces and a small sub-community that is growing - it is amazing to see.

It only takes a few to have the initiative of getting something like this going, but many more to make it as successful as it is now.

Looking forward to seeing many more smiling faces around the park.

All pictures from the ride can be found here:

Pics by Nate.

* If you want a photo removed, just send the page a message and we will remove it for you :)

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