Junior Ride (Ages 10 - 18)
YOU MUST REGISTER HERE --> https://online.mtba.asn.au/ERegister.aspx?E=5544
Location: Lysterfield MTB Park, Victoria (Horsewood Rd carpark)
Date: May 5th
Time: 09:00
Cost: Free
Duration: 2 – 2.5 hours
Route/Map of Ride: http://skills.lysterfieldmtb.com/loop_2_short.jpg
If you are aged between 10 and 18 years old, come along to our monthly junior ride. You’ll have the opportunity to meet and chat to other young riders, ask mountain bike related questions to the experienced ride guides and find out about other LDTR events.
Riders will need:
A good breakfast
Mountain Bike in good working order, pre ride check will be carried out
Australian standards approved helmet
Handle bar plugs
Water bottle
Spare tube
The LDTR ride guide has/is:
Working With Childrens Check
Current first aid certificate
Carries a first aid kit and tools
Rider insurance for this ride:
The Optional Recreation permit provides you with public liability and personal accident cover for the event. $7/day (under 18's) for Non-MTBA member. Recreation day permits are available for purchase with your online rego for the ride.
If you choose not to purchase a Recreation Permit you WILL NOT be covered by insurance and you participate at your own risk.