Round 2 of the 2017 LDTR FFLL Spring series had us see one of the largest turn outs ever, with over 100 riders participating in pristine weather conditions along the Hug and Blair Witch trails.

Results can be found here thanks to Aaron from Race Results:

To those who missed out on a timing race plate due to the shortage, we'll be better prepared next race!

Pictures can be found HERE:

Massive thanks to Life of Bikes and also Ben the Bike Tech for providing some great prizes for the race plate raffle.

As always, a big thanks to Lorraine from StopnGO Coffee and the Narre Warren Scouts for their food and drink services.

To everyone who helped LDTR set up, with the regos, pack up... THANK YOU!

Our next Spring Series round will be the 10th November - details and registration links will be shared shortly.

We hope to see you all again and also some new faces, for another great night of fun, social and relaxed atmosphere racing.

LDTR is 100% volunteer ran, with ALL funds raised from these races being put back into the trails.

Photos by Nate Teh.