The LDTR Family Social Ride - Lysterfield MTB park When: Sunday 19th February @ 10am. Where: Meet the Lysty visitors centre (Formerly the Trailmix store) Technical Rating: Beginner Fitness Rating: Beginner, ride will be about 7km's and should be a bit over 1 hours ride time. Cost: FREE Ride Details: The ride will mostly be around the Lake Circuit track, with some easy single track sections. This is a FAMILY SOCIAL ride, not a smash fest. We'll ride as fast as the slowest person. Open to club and non club members. This is an ideal ride for those just starting out in MTB or those with kids. Children 12 and under must be accompanied by an adult on the ride. Mountain biking, even on flat fire trails can be dangerous. We recommend that you have a suitable bicycle in reasonable condition, with working brakes. Every rider MUST have a helmet on while we ride. We will be riding out at 10am. Plan to arrive at least 15 mins early.