LDTR meets up on Tuesday night's to have a social ride around the park each week. Find out all the info on these HERE or read below for tomorrow night's ride info. Here are some pictures from last week's ride:
Here is a video from last week's ride:
Tuesday Night Social ride - Tuesday 10 January This is our weekly social ride. All levels of rider are welcome. if it's your first time, or you think your fitness isn't as good as you'd like, just let one of the crew in an LDTR jersey know at the start, and we'll look after you. The Ride: About 20kms on the main loop going anti clockwise. (You can bail from the ride at any time). Weather @ 6pm - Mostly clear, 24 degrees Note the Tuesday night ride is NOT an official LDTR Organised Ride and it is not an "instructional" ride. The participating rides are just a group of like minded people out for a ride to enjoy the park. We're not charging any fees or do we cover any incidents with insurance or accept any liabilities. We are not claiming to be qualified instructors or take responsibility for peoples abilities on this ride. Mountain biking can be dangerous and you are undertaking these rides entirely AT YOUR OWN RISK! Where: Top end of Car park, just in gates on Horswood Rd. Near the Map stand. When: 6pm to 8pm (no lights needed)