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Family/Beginner Social Ride - November

The November 2016 LDTR Family Social Ride: Lysterfield MTB Park When: Sunday 13th November @ 9:00am. Meet the Lysty visitors centre (Formerly the Trailmix store) Please register for this free event here - Technical Rating: Beginner Fitness Rating: Beginner, ride will be about 7km's and should be a bit over 1 hours ride time. Cost: Free (though we recommend MTB insurance) Ride Details: The ride will mostly be around the Lake Circuit track, with some easy single track sections. This is a FAMILY SOCIAL ride, not a smash fest. We'll ride as fast as the slowest person. Open to club and non club members. This is an ideal ride for those just starting out in MTB or those with kids. Children 12 and under must be accompanied by an adult on the ride. Mountain biking, even on flat fire trails can be dangerous. We recommend that you are covered for this ride. A current MTBA race or Recreation license is great. However, you can opted for a day license below: Optional Recreation permit (Social rides). Provides you with public liability and personal accident cover for the event. $10.00/day - Non-MTBA member Senior Rec Permit (19 years+) $7.00/day - Non-MTBA member Junior Rec Permit (18 years & younger) Click here to purchase your Recreation Permit online - Recreation Day permits will be available for purchase at the event, for CASH ONLY. For annual membership click here - If you choose not to purchase a Recreation Permit you WILL NOT be covered my MTBA insurance and you participate at your own risk. The following waiver to ensures the participant understands the risks associated if they choose not to purchase the recreation permit. Recreation Day Permit Waiver - Purchase of a Recreation Day Permit provides the rider with public liability and personal accident insurance for the duration of the event. I understand by not purchasing this permit, I am not covered by the MTBA Insurance policy for public liability or personal accident cover. I engage in this activity at my own risk and I am liable for any expenses should I be held liable for a negligent act or should I suffer personal injury.

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